If you are living with depression, the dull sense of hopelessness, despair, and worry can make the future seem so bleak that just getting out of bed is a challenge. The unpredictable mood swings and inconsolable sadness are likely creating distance in your relationships that you don’t know how to bridge on your own. You probably feel unmotivated, emotionally numb, and disinterested in just about everything.

And despite feeling exhausted from constantly battling your own thoughts and emotions, it seems like you can never get a good night’s sleep. Although you’re able to make it to work and slog through most days, perhaps you have trouble finding meaning or purpose in anything anymore. With the steady undercurrent of low self-esteem unconsciously guiding your thoughts, you may be questioning your self-worth or what you even have to offer this world.

Depression can rob you of your willpower and your ability to see that change is possible. But you don’t have to believe the lies that depression tells you. With my guidance and support, you can finally stop worrying all the time, start taking care of business, and find new meaning in your life.

Depression Is A Global Health Concern That’s On The Rise

Everyone feels down from time to time, but when a persistent sense of grief or sadness starts to interfere with your functioning, it may be a sign of clinical depression. Though it can be an isolating experience, you are not alone. It’s estimated that over 264 million people worldwide suffer from depression regardless of age, making it one of the world’s most common mental health issues.*

There are several factors that can cause or contribute to depression. Brain chemistry, family history, childhood trauma, emotional abuse, physical trauma, or merely having too much on your plate can all provide fertile ground in which depression can flourish. We also live in a fast-paced, highly competitive culture that feeds stress with long work hours and so much pressure to succeed that we forget to take care of ourselves. And most of the time, we are so busy trying to keep up with the Joneses and their perfect social media lives that we forget what is real.

The truth is that we all need help seeing things—especially ourselves—from a different perspective.

As a trained depression specialist, I can act as a mirror, reflecting your authentic self back to you rather than the distorted self-image of your pessimistic inner critic. And in the process, you can heal the wounds that are holding you back and find clarity that will enable you to live with greater confidence, peace, and self-compassion.

Depression Treatment Is An Opportunity To Find And Free Yourself

One of biggest barriers anyone can face in the healing process is the fear of telling their story. That inability to confide in and trust someone else perpetuates a cycle of grief and sadness that can keep people stuck and in pain indefinitely.

However, therapy for depression provides you with a safe, compassionate space in which you can be open and honest without fear of judgment. It’s a chance to be heard, understood, and accepted for who you are. No matter how great your pain, I’ll meet you where you are while offering you direction and hope for the future.

Once we get some preliminary paperwork out of the way, we’ll start by discussing what brings you to therapy and how you would like me to help you. Once I get an idea of your concerns and goals for depression counseling, we’ll explore some of the negative thoughts or emotions you experience and where they may originate from.

To that end, we’ll look at your family background, past relationships, or any adverse experiences that could be falsely informing your discouraging inner critic. Throughout our time working together, I will offer you practical advice on how to deal with your depression symptoms and find immediate relief. Along the way, we’ll continue to explore any patterns or underlying issues, such as trauma, that are contributing to your situation.

The primary tool I use for treating depression is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), which allows me to help you recognize and substitute negative thought patterns with positive perspectives of yourself. At times, I’ll incorporate solution-focused approaches to help you identify your internal strengths and improve your ability to solve problems on your own.

And if you are dealing with trauma-related depression, I am trained in Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy, as well as Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART) which seeks to eliminate the emotional impact of a traumatic memory or experience. In addition, I’ll show you how to use practical coping strategies, art therapy, and emotional regulation skills to minimize your time in therapy and maximize results.

I know change seems unlikely, but anyone can benefit from depression treatment. Learning how to face hidden emotions and challenge negative thought patterns is some of the most transformative work you can do. For over 20 years, I have been helping clients much like you manage a range of issues. From anxiety and depression to anger management and ADHD to sexual abuse and parenting issues, I’ve seen it all. And I know that with a little help you can change your life and live with greater happiness and peace.

Perhaps you are considering depression treatment but still have some concerns…

I am afraid of facing my past.

I understand your preoccupation and assure you we’ll always proceed at a pace that is comfortable for you—and I’ll never pressure you to talk about anything you are not comfortable with.

If trauma is the source of your distress, EMDR or ART can allow you to address that pain without having to relive the past. This method teaches you to stay present in the moment, keeping you safe and grounded while diffusing the impact of traumatic memories. And if that still sounds too intimidating, we can always find a workaround by concentrating on repairing yourself, improving your self-care habits, and finding ways to experience greater joy.

I’m worried about the financial aspect of depression treatment.

Money should never be an issue when it comes to your health, so I am more than happy to work with your insurance company for reimbursement. Some plans can reimburse you or allow you to apply our fees toward your annual deductible. Though most of my clients have had success with Blue Cross Blue Shield, Cigna, Aetna, Orlando Health, and Medicare, I’ll work with you to make sure you get the support you need.

I’m not sure things will ever change—even with depression counseling.

The fact that you are on this page shows that there is a part of you that yearns to be free of this emotional burden. The truth is, depression, by its very nature, makes everything look bleak and hopeless—that’s its secret power. After a while, you begin to believe the inner pessimist’s distorted take on who you are and what is possible. But you can stop beating yourself up. You can be happier. You can live without the limitation of fear. And I want to be the one who shows you the way.

Let Me Help You Find Hope And Discover A New Perspective On Life

If you are ready to transform your life and live with greater confidence, self-acceptance, and hope, I can help. Please call 407-733-2117 for your free, 15-minute phone consultation to see how my approach to depression treatment may be able to help you.

Due to COVID-19, all depression counseling services are being offered exclusively online for the foreseeable future.